Ayurvedic treatment for acne


Do you have acne problems? Have you tried everything, and it doesn't work for you? Try the following tips, and you will see considerable improvement.


  • Avoid fried food and junk food.

  • Avoid spicy or fermented foods such as yeast, vinegar, pickles, soy sauce, chili, yogurt, tomato sauce, and alcohol.

  • Avoid or reduce tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, eggplant, and shellfish.

  • Avoid mixing milk with sour fruits.

  • Don't touch your acne.

  • Don't sleep with makeup.

  • Avoid irritating cosmetics.

  • Avoid staying awake since at night, your body detoxifies, and if you are awake, it will not be able to do it.


  • Avoid fried food and junk food.

  • Avoid spicy or fermented foods such as yeast, vinegar, pickles, soy sauce, chili, yogurt, tomato sauce, and alcohol.

  • Avoid or reduce tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, eggplant, and shellfish.

  • Avoid mixing milk with sour fruits.

  • Don't touch your acne.

  • Don't sleep with makeup.

  • Avoid irritating cosmetics

  • Favors fresh, unprocessed foods. Eat broths and stews well seasoned with spices (cumin, oregano, coriander seed, rosemary, etc.). Eat lots of vegetables, especially green leafy ones. Sleep around 8 hours. Anti-stress exercises such as deep breathing and yoga. Drink warm or hot water throughout the day. Regularly drink the following tea to help detoxify your body:

Bring 3-4 cups to a boil, then add a teaspoon of coriander seed, a teaspoon of fennel seed, and a teaspoon of whole cumin. Let it boil until the seeds go down.

Affordable Natural acne treatment

At night

  1. Wash your skin with calendula and neem soap or calendula and aloe vera.

  2. Apply the mask (see recipe below).

  3. Use the chamomile cubes as a skin toner; you can try to use it directly or let it melt and use it with cotton. You can also use chamomile tea bags.

  4. Put castor oil on your face (leave it overnight). This oil has antibacterial properties and helps detoxify your skin, do not be afraid to use it.

In the morning

  1. Wash your skin with calendula and neem soap or calendula and aloe vera.

  2. Use the chamomile cubes as a skin toner; you can try to use it directly or let it melt and use it with cotton. You can also use chamomile tea bags.

  3. Apply your moisturizer

    Chamomile toner:

    1. In a pot, bring 4 cups of water to a boil.

    2. When the water is boiling, add 1/2 cup of organic chamomile.

    3. Cover the pot and bring them to a boil over low heat for 25 minutes.

    4. Strain, and when cold, you can make ice cubes (fill them only halfway).

    5. Scoop out a cube every night to use as a toner.

    Healing mask

    This mask has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, and cleansing properties. This mask is an effective acne treatment. Plus, it helps heal your skin. Try it; You will love it.

Ingridients of the powder mix:

1/2 cup of ground oatmeal can help fight dark spots, acne, and scars.

1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg helps with clogged pores, is a gentle exfoliator, and is suitable for hormonal or cystic acne.

Mix 1-2 teaspoons of the powder mixture, one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of yogurt, and 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of lemon until you get the desired consistency. Apply the mask at least four times a week.

Skin problems are usually caused by blood poisoning or hormonal issues. Finding out the root cause is essential for your treatment. Treat acne in a complete and personalized way.

Ayurveda can help you find the root of your problem, balance your body, and heal your skin. I have experience in severe acne cases using herbs, Lifestyle, and nutrition. It allows us to guide you in your healing process.


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Horchata Ayurvedica