Menstrual problems and your dosha

Punto de vista de Ayurveda con los problemas menstruales

Ayurveda's point of view on menstrual problems

Vata dysmenorrhea

Vata dysmenorrhea is severe cramping that occurs before the start of bleeding or when bleeding is still light. Such colic can be painful and disabling.

  • Supta vajrasana is an excellent yoga pose for menstrual cramps. You can put pillows to hold this position for 20 minutes.

  • Castor oil pack (see instructions below).

  • Garlic milk (see recipe below).

  • Aloe vera gel. For the entire week before you expect your period to start, take one tbsp of aloe vera gel three times a day. Aloe vera gel helps prevent all types of menstrual pain and discomfort.

  • Take one tsp fried cumin seeds in ghee plus one tbs aloe vera gel; 2x daily.

    Pitta dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia

Pitta dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia go hand in hand as manifestations of excess heat in the system. Symptoms of pitta dysmenorrhea include tenderness and cramping that occurs when the flow is heaviest. Symptoms of menorrhagia include soaking through a pad or tampon every hour or less or the need to double protect, passing large clots, being awakened at night by excess flow, and feeling breathless or dizzy during flow a result of excessive bleeding.

  • Rose tea with jamaica and a little cardamom can be an excellent drink for menstrual symptoms of pitta (See recipe below).

  • Rose petal jam helps to cool pitta and helps to relieve sweet cravings that a pitta woman may experience in those days.

  • Moon salutations and shitali (refreshing breath) always help reduce pitta, which will help reduce menstrual problems.

  • 1/4 cup aloe vera juice + 1 pinch black pepper 2x daily.

  • 1 tsp psyllium husk + 1 cup warm water + rock candy.

  • Drink one cup of coconut water plus 1 tsp maple syrup.

  • Eat 10-20 raspberries on an empty stomach.

    In chronic menorrhagia, measures typically need to be taken to address anemia.

Kapha dysmenorrhoea

A dull ache, a feeling of congestion, lethargy, and confusion characterize Kapha dysmenorrhea.

  • You can also try some emmenagogues teas like hibiscus tea with cinnamon and a little ginger powder (See recipe below).

  • Hot compresses of castor oil on the abdomen to relieve the feeling of congestion (See recipe below).

  • Avoid dairy products and bread during your menstrual period and focus on light and slimming foods like fruits and vegetables.

Unlike vata and pitta, which need to rest during menstruation, the kapha woman needs gentle, low-impact exercise at this time like vinyasa yoga and walking. This will stimulate circulation, which will relieve much of the feeling of heaviness.


Garlic milk

  1. Crush 3 cloves of garlic with the sides of a knife or garlic crusher.

  2. Boil one cup of milk with 1/2 cup of water and crushed garlic.

  3. Let the milk boil until the garlic is soft. Keep stirring the milk, so it doesn't stick or burn.

  4. Remove from heat; add a pinch of nutmeg and honey if desired.

  5. Drink the milk and eat the cooked garlic cloves.

Tea for Pitta (Rose and Hibiscus)

  1. In a small saucepan, place 2 cups of water, a teaspoon of jamaica flowers, and a teaspoon of rose.

  2. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat.

  3. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

  4. Strain it to remove the jamaica and rose flowers from the tea.

  5. Add a pinch of ground cardamom..

  6. Serve hot or at room temperature.

  7. Sweeten to taste.

Tea for Kapha (Jamaica and cinnamon)

  1. In a small saucepan, place 2 cups of water, and add an inch of cinnamon stick.
  2. Let it boil until the cinnamon begins to release its color.
  3. Add a teaspoon of jamaica flowers and let it boil for 30 seconds, turn off the heat.
  4. Let it sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain to remove the jamaica flowers and cinnamon from the tea.
  6. Add a pinch of ginger powder.
  7. Serve hot.
  8. Sweeten to taste

Castor oil pack

  1. Heat a cup of castor oil over low heat. When the oil is warm, remove it from the heat.

  2. For best results, add a few drops of lavender or pine essential oil.

  3. Soak a piece of cotton cloth in the warm oil. Place this directly against the skin.

  4. Cover the compress with another piece of fabric or two, depending on the thickness, and place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the cotton cloth.

  5. Leave the pack for 35 minutes. During the 35 minutes, you may practice positive visualization.

    ***You can save the oily cloth and reuse it (put the cotton cloth in a plastic bag and refrigerate).

    ***Do not apply if you have broken skin in that area.

Horchata Ayurvedica


Single doshas and Biotypes